Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

  • Apple App Store purchases/refunds
    • We try our best to keep our users satisfied with their purchases for our product. We understand that sometimes mistakes are made. Refunds from the purchase of The Simple Clicker PRO version will be reviewed on a case by case basis and within the guidelines of the Apple App Store policies.

  • Upgrading to PRO
    • From the main screen of The Simple Clicker app, located the top right-hand corner that says "Upgrade". Tap and you will move to the next screen. On the following screen it will ask again for you to confirm your upgrade. Next, you will be presented with a payment screen from the Apple App Store utilizing your Apple ID.

  • Restoring your previous purchase of PRO
    • From the main screen go to the top right-hand corner and tap on "Upgrade". The next screen below the upgrade button is the restore your purchase button. Tap it, and wait for a message confirming that your purchase has been restored. Once you continue, you will be taken back to the main screen and all features will be unlocked.

  • Connecting Bluetooth Audio Device
    • Make sure that the bluetooth settings are turned on within your device. Next power on, and put your bluetooth speaker in the pairing mode (unless previously connected). Pair your device with the audio device. Open The Simple Clicker mobile app and enjoy extended audio range of your clicker training!

  • Training Tips are not displaying?
    • You will need an active internet connection to retrieve the PRO Training Tips when you upgrade to The Simple Clicker PRO. Therefore, although you can utilize the app and all features you will not be able to view training tips until an active internet connection (WiFi/LTE) and airplane mode is off.

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The Simple Clicker available on the Apple App store!
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Designed & Developed by Xtype Media, LLC © 2018-2024